Post by carolo on Oct 29, 2016 12:40:32 GMT
our RV looks out to a field with two horses in it. A black pot bellied pig has wandered into this fenced field and the owner, who loves animals, has begun feeding the pig in addition to the horses. It has been amusing to see this pig grazing alongside the two horses, sometimes edging the larger animal out of the way to eat. The horses move often to get away, but there is the pig trotting up behind them as though they are relatives it is visiting...
Post by nashvillecat on Oct 29, 2016 20:38:17 GMT
My friend has recently added a pig to her farm. The pig is the most difficult animal for me to adjust to. He grunts and comes towards me, very pushy . I'm afraid he might bite. He is used to living in the house . His former owner kept him inside most of the day and he slept with her. She had to find him a new home because of her too small apartment (she had a house at first) .
My friend is very busy with an ailing husband, (her situation changed since she took on the pig) her job and the rest of her farm. When things settle down, she may be able to spend more time with Hamlet , bring him in the house more often - but right now, he stays in a a big barn, with lots of straw, plenty of shelter - a big yard to roam with goats, chickens, and a donkey. He seems to feel the most comfortable with the ducks and chickens . I go out there at least twice a week to help with farm chores and mostly to visit the crippled goat I've been giving extra attention to for the last year. This pig is a whole other project. I'm getting another friend involved who so far, is having better luck with Hammy .
I have pictures on my iPhone. I 'll see if they will attach here.
Post by nashvillecat on Oct 29, 2016 20:51:48 GMT
Post by carolo on Oct 29, 2016 23:21:22 GMT
The pig here is female, and although we are not in the city, this is not a farm, either. One neighbor mentioned that male pigs might show up at a later date--attracted to the female--and they would be more difficult to handle. The horse lady pets it and feeds it:)
Your photo is nice, Nash!
I think that a pig accustomed to being in a house with people just wants some affection from you, hence the pushing. (but pigs do bite)
Post by nashvillecat on Oct 30, 2016 1:26:33 GMT
I need to work with this pig. His owner is heart broken over having to give him up. She sends me and my friend messages on FB all the time asking about her pig. I send her pictures and tell her he's doing great and that we all love him. I don't let on that I find the pig scary and difficult. I much prefer the goats.