Post by carolo on Feb 19, 2017 20:36:57 GMT
Out there! Just recovering from a terrible cold. The timing of it was awful as friends from pipeline were passing thru and I could not go out and possibly spread this around. My foot is VERY slowly healing. I promise myself to NEVER again take walking a step for granted. Doing everyday things has been a challenge and a time suck. My mom is supposed to move next week, but something is up with her blood work so there may be a delay. Insurance is running out however, and we don't know what they will do with her now.
Wassup in your life? carolO
Post by luvnlaughter on Feb 20, 2017 14:43:29 GMT
Hi! It's always something, huh? Hang in there!
Not much going on in my corner of the world. I am off this week, and trying not to eat my way through all of this free time. Tell you what. I will go take a walk around the reservoir, and get in a few steps for you. It will keep me out of the kitchen.
Post by carolo on Feb 20, 2017 19:16:07 GMT
TY luvn, be sure to enjoy that walk. I will be with you in spirit! Even if I could there would be no walk for me today--it has been raining for hours and much cooler out...
Post by nashvillecat on Feb 21, 2017 2:22:52 GMT
I think these nasty colds that hang on have been going around everywhere. I haven't been able to shake my cold and nagging cough for nearly 3 weeks. I've been taking Robitussin for the past two weeks, daily, every 6 hours and I feel drugged! Very tired . I was at my friends farm all day today. She had to work (she's a court reporter - goes to Nashville a couple of days a week to the court house then gets to do her transcribing at home the rest of the week) Today , our veterinarian , Dr. Jeff came out to her farm to neuter the Donkey and do an ultra sound on Sadie the pregnant goat and my friend wanted me there when Jeff came since she couldn't be there.
Jeff is one brave man, to deal with these animals - calming a kicking donkey down to give it anesthesia , but Jeff is so good at what he does . He's everyone's vet here. We love that he has a mobile clinic and comes to the house to make house calls .
So anyway, I sat with the goats and chickens in the other pen, and watched Jeff and his son work on Jack the donkey. We had to wait for Jack to come out of his anesthesia and stand on our fours before we felt comfortable about leaving. So I didn't get out of there until 4:00 in the afternoon. But , it was a Beautiful day today, sunny, in the 70's.
Post by carolo on Feb 21, 2017 21:42:59 GMT
Poor Jack:(